Studies have shown OAT significantly improves subjective and objective measures of sleepiness, quality of life, and 24-hour blood pressure measurement.  Additionally, adherence and compliance rates with OAT have been shown to be superior to CPAP.

Oral appliances work by preventing the collapse of the soft tissues of the upper airway during sleep.  This is typically accomplished through use of mandibular advancement devices (MADs), which help patients maintain a dilated upper airway by positioning the lower jaw in a slightly forward position.  There are numerous types of MADs, but the mechanisms are similar.  Examples of commonly used MADs include the Herbst, EMA, Dorsal, Silent Night, and TAP appliances.

At the Snoring and Sleep Apnea Treatment Centers, our providers have advanced training and experience in OAT.  We work closely with local sleep physicians and ENTs to ensure our patients receive the best treatment plan for their individual needs.  For more information on how you may benefit from OAT, please contact our clinic at 414-476-9400!